Another exceptional year for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which was celebrated across the globe. Here are some highlights of WEAAD 2017:

1- WEAAD in pictures - Events and celebrations across Canada and around the world

2- Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jean Yves Duclos' WEAAD statement

GATINEAU, QC, June 15, 2017 /CNW/ - "As Canada's Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, I have a mandate to implement measures in support of seniors. In this regard, I would like to acknowledge and raise awareness about elder abuse on this day, June 15, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Elder abuse is a serious issue affecting many seniors. It can be active abuse or through neglect, but it should never be tolerated. As the number of seniors living in Canada is increasing every year, it is important that we all do our part to end the abuse of seniors in our communities. The Government of Canada is working to address the opportunities and challenges this demographic shift creates to help seniors live safely, securely and with dignity.

I am particularly proud of Canada's active participation in preventing and reducing the mistreatment of older adults through projects supported by the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Our government is committed to empower all Canadians to build better lives for themselves and contribute to, and share in, the prosperity of the country. We recognize the remarkable contribution that Canadian seniors have made and continue to make to our society and economy over the years. We continue to take measures to ensure seniors can enjoy the fulfilling lives that they very much deserve.

We all have a role to play in preventing elder abuse. I encourage you to keep the conversation going using #WEAAD2017 to raise awareness and show your support."

Quick Fact: According to demographic projections from the 2016 Census, seniors will represent approximately 23% of the total population by 2031.

Associated links
United Nations World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse 
2016 Census topic: Age and sex
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum
National Seniors Council
New Horizons for Seniors Program

3-Québec launches its new governmental action plan against Elder Abuse
A new five year plan (2017- 2022) was introduced on June 15 by Seniors Minister Francine Charbonneau. It contains 52 measures to fight all forms of abuse, with a focus on : 

  • Preventing abuse and promoting respect and care for older adults
  • Fostering early detection and appropriate intervention 
  • Faclitating reporting of elder abuse, particularly in cases of financial abuse 
  • Increase knowledge exchange

    The $45M plan will include a public relations campaign, a forum on financial abuse and further support for the Elder Abuse Hotline (1-888-489-ABUS (2287).

  • 4- Alberta Government commits $1.5 Million to fight elder abuse through Taking Action Against Elder Abuse Coordinated Community response grant program

    The Alberta government announced increased funding on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 
    Seniors and Housing Minister Lori Sigurdson announced the government will provide $1.5 million for 31 community organizations to suport community-based coordinated reponse models.

    5- Dene Nation press release for WEAAD
    "Prevalence of elder abuse gaining visibility world over, the north is no exception"  
    (click on the image to download)











    6- New international reports on older women's rights and elder abuse released for WEAAD

    • HelpAge International released ''Entitled to the Same Rights'', a report focusing on the right for older women to experience equality and live free from abuse, violence, and discrimination in employment, healthcare or access to financial services (among other issues outlined by older women in 19 countries around the world).

    • The Autralian Law Reform Commission released its report on Elder Abuse. The report contains 43 recommendations for law reform to protect older adults from abuse.





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