The Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) is seeking proposals for a consultant/ researcher for a three-year project entitled Increasing Access to Justice for Older Adult Victims of Sexual Assault: A Capacity Building Approach” (“Increasing Access Project”). 

The consultant must have strong research skills with knowledge and expertise on issues related to elder abuse, sexual assault, disability and the law. The researcher will be required to review literature, identify and evaluate existing resources for professionals working in the field, and write high quality academic reports. The researcher must have relevant academic training at a graduate level and previous experience with similar projects. Experience supervising a graduate level research assistant also would be an asset.

A. Organization

CNPEA is a pan-Canadian not for profit organization supported by a board made up of leaders in the elder abuse prevention and response field. CNPEA provides information, support and education to those working in the elder abuse field, and to the public, through the only Canada-wide online hub about elder abuse (

The purpose of the hub is to 1) provide a central point of contact and knowledge-exchange for elder abuse information & resources in Canada and 2) increase capacity in organizations and networks to prevent and respond to cases of elder abuse.

CNPEA is managed by the board of directors, and has one part-time staff member (Coordinator – three days per week). CNPEA’s strategic plan was completed in 2015 and CNPEA received charitable status on 2017. 

B. Project

The three- year project follows on the heels of a recently completed project through funding from the RCMP’s Family Violence Initiative Fund. In that project, we gathered new resources for the Hub on the topic of elder abuse in the context of family violence and criminal justice responses.

The Increasing Access Project, will enable us to provide new resources and training material about the unique needs of older adult sexual assault victims and how to meet these needs an assist them in navigating the criminal justice system.

C. Resources to be developed in the project include

1. Informative, targeted pan Canadian webinars. Addressing the educational needs of justice system personnel, victim support service workers, healthcare and first responders and others who support older adults who have been assaulted.

2. Written materials, presenting the best resources on sexual assault of older adults, across Canada. This includes, for example, promising practices specialized tools and practical information about the unique needs of sexual assault victims who are older and the criminal justice system.

3. Three reports summarizing resources and issues related to the sexual assault of older adults, accessing justice and the justice system intended for professionals, policy developers and government.

D. Deliverables - Consultant/ Researcher

1. Hire, or assist CNPEA in hiring, a research assistant to work under the Consultant/ Researcher’s Supervision in conducting the literature review and other tasks. The research assistant will be a graduate student in law, criminology, gerontology or another suitable discipline. (Research assistant position: 10 hours per week x 10 weeks fall semester, plus 10 weeks spring semester). 

2. With the support of the CNPEA coordinator and the project management team, establish an advisory committee of experts who represent different regions of Canada. The advisory committee will provide advice to the consultant about existing resources and will review project materials. The advisory committee will meet semi-annually.

3. Conduct a literature review on three different topics (one for each year) and write a report summarizing the literature, relevant laws and legal processes, and best practices for professionals working with older adults. The three topics are as follows:

a. Report on literature review and summary of research about sexual assault of older adults.
b. Report on literature review and summary of research about sexual assault of older adults with disabilities including those in long term care, and
c. Report highlighting key resources and key strategies for increasing access to justice for older adult victims of sexual assaults, including a review of resources and tools from the United States, and whether some can be adapted to the Canada context.

4.  After completing each of the three literature reviews, and in consultation with the advisory committee, identify gaps in existing resources. Prioritize the gaps, and address these by developing practical informational tools, such as articles, infographics, charts or bulletins explaining relevant laws and processes and providing tips for older adults and for service providers about sexual assault of older adults.

5. On an-ongoing basis, recommend resources (tool kits, reports, studies, legal material etc) to be added to the CNPEA hub. The consultant will advise the CNPEA coordinator of the location of the recommended resources, and the coordinator will be responsible for adding these to the hub. 


Duration of the Contract:   Sept. 15, 2017 – April 15, 2020.
Maximum Amount of Contract: $36,000 inclusive of GST and expenses ($12,000 per year)*

*Expenses related to teleconference calls will be paid separately by CNPEA - consultant is not responsible.


Proposals can be submitted to: Joan Braun, CNPEA Co-Chair - 
By September 8, 2017 at 5 pm PST.
The successful proposal will be confirmed on or before September 15, 2017 at 5 p.m. p.s.t.

Format of Proposal

- Proposal that is no more than 3 pages and includes:

Examples of relevant past experience,
A description of how you would accomplish each of the 5 deliverables (Section “D” above), and
Comments on how your previous experience prepares you to fulfill each of these deliverables.

- A CV summarizing relevant experience and qualifications

- Two references from similar projects. 


Publishing Criteria

Any resource posted on the Hub is first screened based on the publishing criteria. If you wish to share a resource with the community, please ensure that it fits the requirements and email it to us. We usually post material within 72hrs of receiving it. 

Publishing Criteria

Invitation to Contribute

Become a contributor to the hub!

  • Share your ongoing projects, research updates and favourite tools
  • Announce your upcoming events
  • Tell us about promising practices and initiatives via a blog post.

Check out our publishing criteria or email us for more information 

Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors


CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub
