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June 1st is Intergenerational Day Canada (also know as IG Day). The day was born in 2010, out of the momentum of WEAAD. Since 2010, twelve provinces and territories and over 100 Canadian cities have officially recognized this day. IG Day is an opportunity to make a focused statement about the value of intergenerational connections. It is meant to remind us all of the importance of respectful connecting between generations to help break through social isolation, build resiliency, community safety and greater understanding across age groups, all of which are also key to preventing elder abuse.   

Recognition of Intergenerational Day also supports provincial/territorial/municipal and federal initiatives for older persons and serves as a reminder of June 15, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

In 2014, 2015 and 2018 respectively, the provinces of Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick proclaimed Intergenerational Day Canada June 1 in perpetuity, as did the Toronto District School Board. The day is also recognized and endorsed by the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the International Federation on Ageing IFA, among other organizations.

Such depth of commitment encourages citizens and governments to work throughout the year toward June 1st as a day to celebrate the on-going joyful relationships between aged and young. It sends a powerful message about the life-changing impact these friendships have on the day-to-day mental health of older and younger persons.

On Intergenerational Day Canada June 1st, we

  • encourage those already involved in intergenerational activities to share and celebrate.
  • invite you to view the four government-funded intergenerational resources available at and (two are Fr/En).
  • suggest you try ideas for connecting generations, found at, where you can also find downloadable posters to promote the day.

Let’s work together toward a stronger, healthier community. We ask for your help in promoting Intergenerational Day Canada 2018 within your organization and with your networks. Get in touch with us at and on Twitter at @i2isociety.

About the author
Sharon MacKenzie BA, MEd
Executive Director i2i Intergenerational Society
Board member - Canadian Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse
Contact: 1-250-308-7892 or 

Intergenerational Day Canada is acknowledged in the following government publications:

  • Across the Generations⎯Respect All Ages En/Fr (Public Health Agency)
  • Elder Abuse Awareness Teen Kit En/Fr   (International Federation on Ageing/PHAC/International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse publication)
  • Intergenerational Community Guide  (BC Community Response Networks resource)


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