WEAAD 2018 is nearly here! What are you planning for June 15?

Marches, BBQs, yoga in a park, official proclamations or planting ceremonies, you can observe WEAAD and celebrate older adults in many ways!

Here are a few websites that offer exciting promotional materials, great tips, and useful customizable templates! Use and share freely!


artwork bc crn flag 2

The BC Association of Community Response Networks has designed a beautiful WEAAD flag which will be flying over Vancouver City Hall on June 15.  BCCRN chose to make this flag available to anyone who wishes to display their support of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 

The flag is complimentary for Community Response Networks across the province of British Columbia. Just fill out this order form and send it back directly to BCCRN. 

For anyone else interested in ordering the WEAAD flag, contact the Flag Shop  and place your order here.


Proclamation templates, balloons, stickers and logos, you can find all of this and more on the WEAAD Manitoba website.

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Elder Abuse Ontario 

This year, for their campaign ''Grow the Conversation'', EAO is selling packages of plantable paper ribbons, containing wildflower seeds.
Plant the seeds of change! See their WEAAD Materials.

The National Center on Elder Abuse

Check out NCEA's WEAAD Tools and Tips for logos, fact sheets, social media banners and customizable templates to make your planning easier.

Do you have WEAAD-ready resources you want to share? Let us know about them!


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