postdoctorate opportunity brandon uniBrandon University
Position Vacancy - Post Doctoral Fellowship: Safe Places for Aging and Care Project
Duration: One year
Start Date: January 4, 2021
Hours: Full time - 40hours/week
Salary: $45,000
Application Deadline: December 9, 2020
Click on the picture to view or download the full description.

Annual General Meeting 
Thursday, September 24, 2020
10 AM to 11:30 AM (Pacific Time) 1 PM to 2:30 PM (Eastern time)

Anyone interested in participation to the AGM must register at the link above.
Once you have registered, you will receive an automated email that will allow you to join the virtual meeting.

On September 24, join us to elect new Board members and hear about the Network's latest activities.
See the agenda.

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CNPEA Annual General Meeting 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

10 AM to 11:30 AM (Pacific Time)/ 
1 PM to 2:30 PM (Eastern time)  


On September 24, join us to elect new Board members and hear about our activities and plans for the future.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom. You must register ahead of time to participate.
Once your registration is complete, you will receive the connection information by email. REGISTER HERE

The 2020 agenda, the list of candidates to the Board, and the annual report will be circulated later in September.

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Dr. Gloria Gutman and the SFU Gerontology Research Centre are leading a new survey on COVID19.

"If you are age 55 or over and currently living in Canada you are invited to participate in a study about your experiences with COVID-19. It explores any pandemic-related stressors you may be experiencing, issues you are facing regarding healthcare, and any actions you have taken toward planning for future care. Information will be collected through a confidential online survey that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

We hope to recruit 1000 or more people from across Canada. We seek both people who have so far not contracted COVID-19 and those who have experienced it. We seek participants from the general population of people age 55+ and from three minority groups: people who self-identify as LGBT, South Asian, Chinese (Canada’s two largest visible minorities). All groups are important to hear from,  if we are to “get it right” in coping with pandemics like COVID-19 now and in future."

Take the survey:

Adapted from the CSA WEAAD media release (June 15, 2020)

For World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2020 and Seniors Month, the Canadian Securities Commission and its members chose to highlight elder financial abuse. Throughout the month of June, they have all been offering a variety of online resources, campaigns, and videos to help older Canadians improve their knowledge and ability to stay safe against financial abuse.

On June 15, 2020, the CSA and its members launched a new campaign aimed at the relatives, caregivers and friends of older adults. The campaign, shared through the CSA and its members’ social media channels, reminds Canadians to check in with the older adults in their life and to check in on their financial health. 

Canadians can take action and prevent financial abuse of seniors by:

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Publishing Criteria

Any resource posted on the Hub is first screened based on the publishing criteria. If you wish to share a resource with the community, please ensure that it fits the requirements and email it to us. We usually post material within 72hrs of receiving it. 

Publishing Criteria

Invitation to Contribute

Become a contributor to the hub!

  • Share your ongoing projects, research updates and favourite tools
  • Announce your upcoming events
  • Tell us about promising practices and initiatives via a blog post.

Check out our publishing criteria or email us for more information 

Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors


CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub
