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  • Opening Remarks by Margaret MacPherson and Session 1: Why do we need shelters for older people and how to do it right?with Tamara Stremble and Mary Kargas (Atira Women's Resource Society)

  • Session 2: A Look at Alberta
    with Michele Markham (Sage Seniors Association)  and Joanne Blinco (Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council)

  • Session 3: Panel Discussion - A Canadian Snapshot of Safe Spaces

- Mohamed Abdallah, Executive Director & Co-Founder, Connections for Seniors, Kavanagh House
- Mari-Anne Godlonton, Elder Abuse Shelter Manager, Unison at Kerby Centre
- Karlee Grant, Senior Program Manager, Victoria Women's Transition House
- Lisa Manuel, Director, Clinical Services, Family Service Toronto
- Tiffaney Pass, Social Work Team Lead, A & O: Support Services for Older Adults

  • Session 4: Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity - Building Safe, Welcoming, Equitable Spaces
    with Dr. Rose Joudi, Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA), Aging & Ethnic Diversity Consultant, Carya, and Dr. Brittany Jakubiec PhD, Director of Research, Egale Canada

    +  Closing Remarks by Margaret MacPherson




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Key Learnings

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As the Canadian population ages and rates of family violence and gender-based violence continue to rise, increasing the number of emergency shelters, transition houses, and other emergency accommodations for older people is becoming a pressing issue.

CNPEA, and partners Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and CREVAWC hosted a free, national online symposium focused on sheltering options for older victims of elder abuse, family violence, and gender-based violence. Safe Havens: Emergency Shelter Solutions for Older People in Canada was held during Victims and Survivors of Crime Week 2024 thanks to funding from the Department of Justice Canada.

The event aimed to:

  • raise awareness of existing sheltering options for older adults who have experienced violence, abuse or neglect;
  • highlight the stark gaps in shelter services for older adults across the country and the importance of including older victims in efforts to address the emergency shelter crisis in Canada;
  • illustrate the role that support and response services, can play in assisting older victims by being trained to detect ageism and understand seniors’ needs better;
  • Examine best practices to provide safe, respectful, trauma -and violence- informed services and appropriate support.

This recorded event features guest speakers from several emergency shelters and transition houses for older persons, as well as other experts and stakeholders in the elder abuse and GBV sectors. Learn more about shelter options for older adults and how to increase collaboration and inclusivity to enhance support services for older people.

This event was made possible thanks to the support of the Department of Justice Canada for Victims and Survivors of Crime Week.