Representatives from across the country and from various groups working with older adult victims of abuse, including sexual violence, form the national advisory committee who will help to identify resources aimed at the intervention in and prevention of sexual assault among older older adults.  Its members are:

Kristal LeBlanc
Executive Director, Beauséjour Family Crisis Resource Centre Inc.
New Brunswick

Wendy Verhoek-Oftedahl
Family Violence Coordinator,
Family and Human Services/Child and Family Services,
Prince Edward Island

Mona Gregory
Libra House Inc.
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador

Lucie Fortin
Lawyer and Mediator
Mirabel, Quebec

Raeann Rideout 
Central East Regional Consultant
Elder Abuse Ontario 

Joan Braun
Lawyer, Mediator and Consultant

Bernice Sewell
Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta

Dr. Cathy Carter-Snell
Associate Professor- School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Research Development Officer (interim)-FHCE
Mount Royal University
Calgary, AB

Krista James,
National Director, Canadian Centre for Elder Law
Vancouver, BC


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