Une seule carte pour localiser: 

  • Évènements pour la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à la maltraitance des personnes âgées 2019 (épingles violettes)
  • Conférences
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  • Réseaux provinciaux et territoriaux

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Le projet ''Seniors Aging OUT" : Défis et complexités au coeur de la communauté LGBTQ2 - Importance de l'approche intergénérationnelle
Détails et inscription


"Seniors Aging OUT" project: Challenges and complexities of the LGBTQ2+ community and the importance of an intergenerational approach
Details and registration

The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

Notable resources at one glance (for a more detailed list, visit our project home page)


alberta snapshot

British Columbia

fvif bc eap infographic








Northwest Territories




Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub

Nova Scotia