Le connecteur cnpea.ca c'est:
Une plateforme nationale pour la dissémination du savoir
Un outil de connexion et de collaboration entre pairs et experts de la maltraitance des ainés
Une vue d'ensemble des ressources, études et projets prometteurs les plus récents 
Une source d'information pour particuliers soucieux du bien-être des ainés

The content of this site is curated for and provided by elder abuse stakeholders from across Canada. We offer
A national platform for knowledge dissemination
A way to connect and collaborate with your peers and with experts
An overview of available resources, research and promising projects 
A source of information for concerned individuals


You've made our day! 
From all of us at CNPEA, thank you for your donation.  Your support allows us to carry on with our general operations, to keep the Hub updated and to plan for future activities.

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Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub

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