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 The Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse is the proud recipient of the Family Violence Initiative Fund from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  
This grant enables CNPEA to conduct a review of existing material and to add key resources on the Hub about abuse of older adults in a family context. These new resources, paired with webinars aim to raise awareness and will provide important information for stakeholders, victims, and their loved ones, about the available resources, strategies, laws and law enforcement response across Canada.

 As part of the Preventing Family Violence Against Elders Resource Development Project, the CNPEA Hub has delivered

  • Stand-alone resources about elder abuse in the context of family violence, from research to relevant laws, and law enforcement activities and programmes in each jurisdiction.
  • Two webinars for professionals working with seniors about relevant laws, research, current trends, how to report elder abuse crimes to the police etc. (Look out for our webinars in October 2016 and February 2017)

Do you have information or resources you wish to share with CNPEA as part of this project? Contact us!

Find all FVIF resources at the link below:

Family Violence Initiative Resources on the Hub





Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

Le RCPMTA souhaite remercier les généreux sponsors qui contribuent à la durabilité du connecteur des savoirs.
