''Community presenters work with local Community Response Networks (CRNs) to deliver public presentations and workshops. BCCRN welcomes members from the general public to become It's Not Right community presenters. Individuals must first complete training, and be certified by BC CRN before any presentations are conducted.
The purpose of this Guide to provide an overview of
- The tasks required to plan, organize, and administer an It’s Not Right! presentation.
- The tasks required to follow-up with the BC CRN once the presentation is complete
How to Use this Guide
- If you are new to the It’s Not Right! program, and new to conducting presentations, we recommend reviewing this guide cover to cover to understand what needs to be done before, during, and after the presentation takes place.
- If you are already familiar with It’s Not Right!, please scan the document for new content, and use this guide as a refresher to reorient yourself to the presentation requirements. Who this Guide is For CRN Coordinators. Regional Mentors. It’s Not Right! Community Presenters.''
Source: BCCRNs