cover vol1Vol 1 - Executive Summary and Consolidated Recommendations

Report by the Honourable Eileen E. Gillese, Commissioner

"The Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry was established on August 1, 2017, by Order in Council following Elizabeth Wettlaufer’s conviction of eight counts of first-degree murder, four counts of attempted murder and two counts of aggravated assault; offences she committed while working as a registered nurse in Long-Term Care Homes.

The Inquiry’s mandate is to inquire into the events which led to the offences committed by Elizabeth Wettlaufer. Additionally, the Inquiry is directed to inquire into the circumstances and contributing factors allowing these events to occur, including the effect, if any, of relevant policies, procedures, practices and accountability and oversight mechanisms. The Inquiry is also directed to inquire into other relevant matters that the Commissioner considers necessary to avoid similar tragedies."

Also see: Public Inquiry into the Safety and Security of Residents in the Long-Term Care Homes System - Vol. 3 A Strategy for Safety

Source: The Long Term Care Homes Public Inquiry


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