cover ageuk covidmentalandphysicalimpactreport 2020''To understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on older people’s physical and mental health we consulted with older people, their friends, families, and loved ones. 

Our research was made up of:

  • A survey promoted across the Age UK social media channels for two weeks in August 2020. The survey was completed by 569 people- 369 respondents were older people themselves and 200 answered on behalf of an older person. Over half of respondents were over the age of 70. Of the older people we spoke to who told us their sex, 278 were female and 78 were male.
  • Representative online polling of 1,364 people over the age of 60, conducted by Kantar Polling in September 2020. Of the people polled, nearly half were over the age of 70 and 40% were already living with a long-term condition before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.''

Source: Age UK


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