queering gbv report 2022 cover"Gender-based violence (GBV) in 2SLGBTQ+ communities is pervasive but stigmatized; it is both hyper-visible and invisibilized, known and neglected. Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia are structural forms of GBV that 2SLGBTQ+ communities navigate every day in their public and private lives. 2SLGBTQ+ communities experience family violence, intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence, and street harassment, but are outsiders to GBV services built for cis, straight, white women. In fact, 2SLGBTQ+ people face discrimination and further GBV while accessing GBV services and reporting GBV, compounding the violence.

This report presents the findings from a literature review, focus group, and interviews. It presents what we know about the scale and scope of GBV impacting 2SLGBTQ+ communities, looking at the experiences of queer and trans Black, Indigenous and people of colour (QTBIPOC), refugees and newcomers, trans+ people, queer women, youth, sex workers, and people living rurally or remotely. In addition to looking at family violence, IPV, sexual violence, and street harassment, the report highlights the compounding GBV that 2SLGBTQ+ people face when accessing services and reporting GBV. This report then turns to existing violence prevention and survivor support programs and points to the gaps and needs 2SLGBTQ+ communities are naming. We look at promising practices and offer opportunities and recommendations for funders and service providers. The report concludes with suggestions for mobilizing knowledge about GBV prevention and response for 2SLGBTQ+ communities."

Source: Canadian Women’s Foundation and Wisdom2Action


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