suffering in silence

A Vancity survey, conducted by the Mustel Group, of people aged 65 or older in Metro Vancouver and the Capital Regional District reveals that:

  • More than one-third (35%) of seniors who experience at least one type of financial abuse choose not to tell anyone
  • One-fifth (21%) of seniors who experienced financial abuse and did not report it say it was because they didn’t know who to tell.
  • Of those respondents who say they did not report incidences of abuse, 15% were embarrassed by thesituation and 10% feared it would make the situation worse or result in retaliation.
  • More than 80% of survey respondents could not name any support services available for seniors who maybe victims of financial abuse.
  •  There is a large gap between unprompted reports of financial abuse (3%) and reported abuse when respondents are presented with specific scenarios (36%), indicating many seniors may not understand theways in which they may be victims.

    Source: Vancity



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