"This chapter reviews bullying and relational aggression among LGBT older adults. The intent of this chapter is to define and characterize late-life bullying in general and discuss unique manifestations of this phenomenon for LGBT elders. Special attention is given to peer victimization associated with intersectionality and microaggressions for this population, as well as common types of bullying and the impact bullying experiences have on emotional well-being and quality of life. Promising interventions to minimize bullying related to sexual orientation and gender identity in senior living environments are discussed and include civility training, bystander intervention, and policies and procedures that guide respectful social interactions and prohibit discriminatory actions."

Bonifas R.P. (2016) The Prevalence of Elder Bullying and Impact on LGBT Elders.

This chapter is part of the Handbook of LGBT Elders - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Principles, Practices, and Policies 
Harley D., Teaster P. (eds) Handbook of LGBT Elders. Springer, Cham

Source: SpringerLink


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