The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the Department of Justice Canada. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

Abstract: "The majority of older people who experience abuse are women, and to date, there have only been limited attempts to adequately consider this situation. It, therefore, seems appropriate to consider the links between domestic violence and elder abuse, including a clear focus on the likely role of gender within elder abuse. This will be achieved through the analysis of case material from situations the author was involved with over an 18 month period as a social work practitioner and manager. The paper aims to provide a brief overview of the status of current knowledge concerning elder abuse and neglect and to move to a consideration of factors from the field of domestic violence, including an analysis of case material. This will contribute to a greater understanding of the phenomena of elder abuse and neglect as they affect older women. It is intended that this will assist in the development of appropriate responses to protect older women who are abused or at risk of abuse and towards the eventual prevention of abuse."

Penhale, Bridget (1999) MSc and CQSW

Source: Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect


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