screen shot 2019 01 17 at 3.47.05 pmThis document is part of a series of factsheets entitled Word to the Wise, part of the Aging Without Violence Project.

Read Issue 5: Unique Barriers Exist for Older Women Experiencing Violence

About the project Aging WIthout Violence:

'' In 2018 the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) received funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services, through Ontario's Senior Strategy, to lead a 4-year training and resource project focused on ending violence against older women in Ontario (Jan. 2018- March. 2021).

The Aging Without Violence (AWV) project is guided by an inter-sector provincial advisory including stakeholders with expertise in violence against older women, public education, service provider training, research, and improved community responses. The overall aim of the project is to enhance responses and advocacy efforts when supporting older women impacted by violence, in alignment with Ontario's Action Plan for Seniors.

Goals of the AWV project include:

  • Showcasing existing responses, programs and research in the area of older women who’ve experienced violence
  • Providing opportunities to connect across the VAW, health, residential care, housing sectors
  • Identifying gaps in service delivery, resources, systems, and research to inform specific service provider training

  • Overall, the project will promote a holistic approach and an integrated response in the development of service provider training to address violence against older women in Ontario, in addition to the following principles:

  • Inclusion
  • Choice and & Self Determination
  • Diversity
  • Safety and Security "

  • Source:  Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) 



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