For emergencies, call 911

Call your local police if the situation is not an emergency but you suspect it might be against the law. Ask to speak to someone who has been trained in senior abuse, or domestic/family violence.

Domestic Violence and Criminal Harassment Unit (DVACH) - Vancouver Police Department (VPD)
Teams consisting of community counsellors (employed by Family Services of Greater Vancouver) and VPD detectives provide investigative follow-up, emotional support, and advocacy to victims of high-risk domestic violence. There are also VPD officers who deal with criminal harassment, stalking cases, and elder abuse. 

List of RCMP BC Detachments

Royal Canadian Mounted Police “E” Division – British Columbia 
General Inquiries: 604-264-3111
Fraud victims Assistance Guide

Call 211 if you have a concern about a situation of inappropriate or abusive behaviour affecting the well-being of an older person. All information you share will be kept confidential.

You can also call or visit the 211 website to find general information, as well as specific programs and services for older adults in British Columbia. It is a place anyone can call for information about community, government and social services in BC.  

Seniors First BC

(formerly BCCEAS - BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support)

Seniors First BC works to prevent elder abuse and to provide assistance and support to older adults that are, or may be, abused and those whose rights have been violated. 


  • Seniors First offers the Seniors Abuse and Information Line (SAIL)
    Available 8am-8pm daily (excluding holidays) 

    SAIL is a safe place for older adults, and those who care about them, to talk to someone about situations where they feel they are being abused or mistreated, or to receive information about elder abuse prevention. The SAIL line is less busy on weekends and during the evenings, so we suggest that you try calling during those times.

    Phone: 604-437-1940
    Toll-Free: 1-866-437-1940

    TTY Teletype for those who have access to TTY equipment : 604-428-3359
    Toll free: 1-855-306-1443
    Language Interpretation Available: 9am - 4pm, Monday - Friday  

BC Association of Community of Response Networks
A Community Response Network is a diverse group of concerned community members who come together to create a coordinated community response to adult abuse, neglect and self-neglect.
Find a CRN in your area

BC Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) 

Phone: 604-775-2000 
Toll Free: 1-888-440-8844 
TTY: 604 775-2021

BC Securities Commission
If you suspect questionable investment activity, contact the BCSC.

Telephone: 604-899-6854 or 1-800-373-6393 (toll free across Canada)
You can also submit a tip or report a complaint about a company or individual
at this link

Burnaby Seniors Outreach Services Society (BSOSS)
Phone: 604-291-2258

Community Living BC (CLBC) 
Community Living BC, or CLBC, is the provincial crown corporation that funds supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities, as well as individuals who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and who also have significant difficulty doing things on their own. 
Phone: 1-877-660-2522
Find your local CLBC office

Crime Victim Assistance Program

Phone: 604-660-3888
Toll Free: 1-866-660-3888


Toll Free: 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC
Toll Free: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) 
TTY: 1-866-872-0113 

Filipino Support Group (FSG) for the Prevention and Reduction of Elder Abuse
Provided by: Seniors Brigade Society of BC (SBSBC)
Free support group for Filipino seniors age 55 and over who are a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, have experienced or are experiencing abuse of any kind, seeking help on a voluntary basis, or referred by family, friends, or neighbours. Serves seniors who reside in Burnaby, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Richmond, Surrey, and Vancouver.

Phone: 604-453-5885

KUU-US Crisis Response Line
The KUU-US Crisis Line Society operates a 24-hour provincial aboriginal crisis line for

Adults/Elders: 250-723-4050 or Toll Free Line: 1-800-588-8717

MOSAIC Multicultural Victim Services Program

Vancouver service offers support, information, advocacy, accompaniments, and referrals.
Phone: 604-254-9626

Office of the Seniors Advocate 
Tel; 250.952.3181
Toll free: 1.877.952.3181  

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia (PGT)

Phone: 604-660-4444 
Toll Free: 1-800-663-7867

Regional Health Authorities

First Nations Health Authority
The FNHA is responsible for planning, management, service delivery and funding of health programs, in partnership with First Nations communities in BC.   
Telephone: 604-693-6500

QMunity, BC’s Queer Resource Centre 

QMunity offers coming out and support groups for older adults, a lending library, free professional counseling, legal clinics, referrals and workshops for LGBTQ older adults.
Phone: 604-684-5307 
Generations Project (Older Adults): 604-684-8449 

Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter

Crisis Line 604-872-8212
TTY: 604- 877-0958 (9AM to 9PM)

Victim Services Directory and Victim LINK
VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service for victims of family and sexual violence, and all other crimes. It is available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-563-0808. 

TTY: 604-875-0885 

Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) Rape Crisis Centre

Phone: 604-255-6344
Toll Free Crisis Line: 1-877-392-7583


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CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub

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