In case of emergency call 911

Call your local police if the situation is not an emergency but you suspect it might be against the law. Ask to speak to someone who has been trained in senior abuse, or domestic/family violence.

A list of local police agencies can be found here

Office of Seniors

The Office of Seniors helps seniors, their families, and people who work with seniors obtain information about programs and services that are available in Prince Edward Island.
The Office of Seniors also works with the Seniors’ Secretariat to develop and support plans, policy and programs that will improve the quality of life for Island seniors, while also developing and supporting public education efforts for seniors and about seniors’ issues.

Contact Us
Catherine Freeze

Seniors’ Policy Advisor
Telephone: (902) 620-3785 
Service Location:

Charlottetown - Jones Building

Seniors Secretariat 
Toll Free: 1-866-770-0588

Anderson House - Emergency Shelter for Women
The provincial emergency shelter for abused women and children, staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Anderson House is a safe and supportive shelter for women and their children who have been physically or emotionally abused or who live in constant fear of abuse. Anderson House is staffed at all times by trained women who honour confidentially. Service is accessible for women and their children with disabilities.

Location: Charlottetown

For emergencies call (902) 892-0960 or 1-800-240-9894 (toll free)
Telephone: (902) 368-8658

Chief Mary Bernard Memorial Women’s Shelter
A shelter for women in distress, women without housing, or for young mothers who need extra support. Shelter residents have access to employment services, parenting, and life skills programs, and services of the Lennox Island Health Centre. The Shelter provides safe and supportive housing on Lennox Island to both aboriginal and non-aboriginal women and their children who are experiencing family violence and to women who are homeless.
Toll free: 1-855-297-2332

(902) 831-2332


Elder Mediation
Elder Mediation is a cooperative process in which a professionally trained elder mediator helps facilitate discussions that assist people in addressing the myriad of changes and stresses that often occur throughout the family life cycle.

Phone: 1-902-892-7667
Mobile: (902) 368-2030

Health PEI – Adult Protection Services
Charlottetown: 902-368-4790
Montague: 902-838-0786
O’Leary: 902-859-8730
Souris: 902-687-7096
Summerside: 902-888-8440

Island Help Line
Island Helpline is a 24-hour, bilingual and confidential telephone service. Helpline operators are trained to listen and help you develop solutions to your problems.

Toll Free: 1-800-218-2885

Evangeline Health Centre
The Evangeline Health Centre has a bilingual multi-disciplinary team consisting of a mental health social worker, public health nurse, speech & language pathologist, occupational therapist, secretary, and coordinator, who provide a variety of programs, activities and services that respond to community needs.The centre provides promotional, preventive, curative, supportive and rehabilitation aspects of care with increased emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention.The centre works in partnership with the community to promote individual, family and community health and well-being.

Phone: 902-854-2699

PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada
Phone: 902-628-6009

PEI Senior Citizens Federation 
The PEI Senior Citizens' Federation is a provincial-wide nonprofit charitable  organization consisting of over 50 seniors groups.
Phone: 902-368-9008

Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission
Phone: 902-368-4180
Toll Free (in PEI): 1-800-237-5031

Prince Edward Island Rape & Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
Our services include individual and group therapy, public education and support and information.
The goal of the PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre (PEIRSAC) is to support and advocate for survivors of sexual assault and abuse in their healing and to ensure that all residents of PEI are safe from sexual violence. To achieve this, we work collaboratively with, and in ways that empower, individuals and organizations. 

Main Office 
For information, to request a speaker or for general inquiries, please call 
902-566-1864 or toll free 1-866-566-1864.

Counselling Request Line 
To request counselling services, please call 902-368-8055368-8055 or toll free 1-888-368-8055


Victim Services: Office of the Attorney General 
Victim Services assists victims of crime throughout their involvement in the criminal justice system. Assistance is available to victims of crime anywhere on Prince Edward Island.

Victim Services staff are professionals with backgrounds in social work and criminal justice.
No fees are charged for this confidential service.


West Prince Family Violence Prevention Cooperative Incorporation (for women)
Phone: 902-859-8849



Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

Le RCPMTA souhaite remercier les généreux sponsors qui contribuent à la durabilité du connecteur des savoirs.
