Please find below the Slate of Nominees which will be presented to a vote of our membership during our next Annual General Meeting (September 20) and information on voting.


  • All members of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse are entitled to vote on a slate of candidates for available Director positions. 
    (Not sure whether you are officially a member? It's simple: do you receive our newsletters? If so, you are a member. If not, you can register here right now)

  • Members who are unable to attend the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the CNPEA in person are entitled to complete a ballot prior to the meeting as an absentee ballot. 

  • The Annual General Meeting will be held by teleconference, using Go-to-Training, on Thursday, September 20th 2018 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 pm Eastern Time.

  • Voting will be open until Thursday, September 20th at 1:15 p.m. Eastern time (15 minutes after the start of the AGM).
    Register here to attend our AGM

  • Members understand that by submitting this ballot they will be considered to be present at the AGM for the purpose of electing the following Slate of Nominees as Board members.  

  • Given the number of applicants selected to fill the vacant positions, the CNPEA membership will vote on the Slate of Candidates as a whole.  

  • Read our 2018 Annual Report


Elizabeth (Laporte) Sharma, Alberta
Elizabeth has been a nurse for 32 years and has focused on the care of older adults for most of her career. Her most recent work includes geriatric medicine, geriatric psychiatry and Emergency nursing. Elizabeth recently provided support to the SPP (Senior Protection Partnership) team in Edmonton. Her involvement in seniors care has far surpassed a career choice, it is a passion that finds its way into all of her work. Elizabeth is an advocate for older adults and their caregivers in all that she does. In the past she has worked for primary care networks in Edmonton as a Geriatric Assessment Nurse. She has also provided support to private sector assisted living sites as an educator, in development of policy and procedure, quality assurance and mentoring of nursing staff groups. Elizabeth recognizes the importance of  prevention, education and advocacy. She is certified in geriatric nursing by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and is always looking for ongoing education opportunities. 

Jean Francois Kozak, British Columbia
Jean François is the past Director of Research for PHC’s Primary Care of the Elderly Research Group in the Department of Family and Community Medicine; the Centre for Healthy Aging at Providence; and VP Medical and Academic Affairs at SCO Health Services. His research has been in areas such as abuse and neglect; dementia; development of clinical decision algorithms for the management of frail elderly; and the evaluation of primary care health service models for geriatrics. Jean François is one of the co-editors of the CAG book Abuse and neglect of older Canadians: Strategies for change, as well as the highly successful APL project (Abuse and Neglect in LTC); and moral distress of caregivers. He is the past recipient of the Canadian Association of Gerontology’s Award for Contribution to Canadian Gerontology and am currently with the PHC Department of Family and Community Medicine (and affiliated with the UBC School of Population and Public Health).

Wanda Roberts, Northwest Territories
Wanda is a nurse, instructor, and coordinator for the Personal Support Worker program at Aurora College, and has been for the past 10 years. Prior to that, she worked as a bedside nurse for 15 years in long term care, working primarily with older adults. As a nurse, Wanda witnessed elder abuse; this drove her to join the NWT Network, where she volunteers and conducts the YOU Power (It's Not Right) training to service providers and the public. In addition to being a member of the Network, Wanda was part of a committee that revised screening tools (to detect elder abuse) to make them more relevant to the northern population. She is a member of the Elders in Motion committee with NWT Recreation and Parks, and a facilitator for Functional Fitness for Falls Prevention training. In addition, Wanda is a trainer for Supportive Pathways and Mental Health First Aid for Northern People.

Denise Lemire, Ontario
Denise holds a Sociology degree from the University of Ottawa. Denise has led and completed many research projects in the fields of health, social services and education. For the last 30 years Denise has been active in the world of Francophonie, as a researcher, consultant, E.D., Board member, and volunteer at large. In April 2015 Denise became the Executive Director of the Federation of French-speaking retirees of Ontario (Fédération des aînés et retraités francophones de l’Ontario - FARFO). Denise has also been in charge of the management of activities for francophone clubs to mark the 400th anniversary of Champlain’s arrival in Ontario; and she has co-coordinated the 2017 Older Adults Summit with FAAFC (Fédération des aînées et aînés francophones du Canada); managed 5 workshops on Elder Abuse across Ontario; participated to the development of a provincial network of French-speaking elder abuse stakeholders; and planned an upcoming annual conference (to take place in March 2019).

Lisa Manuel, Ontario
Lisa has been working in the social services field for over 25 years. Her first and continuing passion is working with seniors.She has worked in a variety of capacities as a staff person doing outreach and providing counselling supports to older people experiencing abuse.  She has also worked as a manager supporting a team who provides prevention and intervention supports in this area, developing new programming such as an elder abuse consultation team and a safe haven for older people experiencing abuse (Pat's Place). Lisa is interested in deepening connections between the domestic violence and elder abuse fields and has worked at this intersection as a manager.  As a trained researcher, she has participated on several research initiatives in elder abuse. As a senior Director of programs, she has a solid experience interacting with government officials and elected MPPs to advocate for the need for a comprehensive funded approach to working with community dwelling older adults who experience abuse.


Sharon McKenzie, British Columbia

Sharon (BA, MEd) is the founder and Executive Director of i2i Intergenerational Society of Canada, a national hub for intergenerational resources and support. She was a teacher K-University for 35 years. For a decade, Sharon developed and field tested in BC a highly successful Intergenerational Immersion model, The Meadows School Project. This project, unique in the world, respectfully shifted ageist attitudes in both older and younger generations, improving health in the process. In 2010 Sharon launched Intergenerational Day Canada June 1 to bring attention to the health benefits of respectfully connecting generations.  Sharon is a well- recognized national resource person in the field of intergenerational relations (developing community/long term prevention of senior mistreatment), an Intergenerational and Educational Consultant, speaker and workshop lead: communities, care homes, community health care, educational organizations, service groups, First Nations, parks, government, seniors’ organizations. She was the researcher and writer of three core intergenerational resources. She also contributes to peer reviewed journals and magazines, and has written two books. Sharon was a partner with Ryerson/UBC-O's innovative GeoLive intergenerational project mapping, and the WEAAD in Cyberspace initiative. She is a recipient of the BC Premier’s Award for Teaching Excellence, 2009, and the Rotary Service Above Self Award.

Kathy Majowski, Manitoba
Kathy is a degree-prepared nurse who began her career in health care in 1999. In that time she has worked in various roles, including nurse, support worker, staff educator, clinical and classroom instructor, educational program developer, community case coordinator, and subject matter expert. Kathy’s career in nursing has included experience in acute and long-term care facilities, as well as work in a northern Manitoban community where the nursing station functioned as both a clinic and trauma stabilization centre. Her commitment to health care and willingness to take on responsibilities that went beyond bedside nursing has helped Kathy develop skills that include curriculum development and delivery, building new and improving existing organizational policies/procedures, and proficiency with computer programs dedicated to presentation, design, and data tracking. Although caring for seniors has always been a part of Kathy’s career, her role as the Staff Educator in a long-term care facility brought her a greater awareness of some of the issues that seniors face, and prompted her to seek out a role with the CNPEA.

Kelly Heisz, Newfoundland and Labrador
Kelly is the Executive Director of the Seniors Resource Centre of Newfoundland and Labrador. She is a Graduate of Memorial University with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education. Her career for the past 25 years has been concentrated in the non-profit sector, focusing on community engagement and capacity building that affect change at the grass-roots level regarding quality of life and well-being for all citizens.The Seniors Resource Centre has been a lead organization in working on issues impacting seniors, utilizing hundreds of volunteers, all levels of community partners to do this. The Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse is one of the crowning achievements of the organization.

Andrew Elinesky, Ontario
Andrew is a Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at a NYSE/TSX-listed public company. An accountant by training, Andrew brings financial, senior leadership experience and broad-based corporate and commercial knowledge. As an active leader in establishing long-term strategies and the execution of supporting initiatives, he is a trusted project manager in both international and domestic settings, with an interest in governance. Andrew is a strong believer in advancing the rights and wellness of all, particularly older adults.






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