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via The International Federation on Ageing
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) turns 70 this year and the International Day for Older Persons (October 1) celebrates the importance of this Declaration, and reaffirms the commitment to promoting the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by older persons.
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Please find below the Slate of Nominees which will be presented to a vote of our membership during our next Annual General Meeting (September 20) and information on voting.
- All members of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse are entitled to vote on a slate of candidates for available Director positions.
(Not sure whether you are officially a member? It's simple: do you receive our newsletters? If so, you are a member. If not, you can register here right now) - Members who are unable to attend the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the CNPEA in person are entitled to complete a ballot prior to the meeting as an absentee ballot.
- The Annual General Meeting will be held by teleconference, using Go-to-Training, on Thursday, September 20th 2018 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 pm Eastern Time.
- Voting will be open until Thursday, September 20th at 1:15 p.m. Eastern time (15 minutes after the start of the AGM).
Register here to attend our AGM - Members understand that by submitting this ballot they will be considered to be present at the AGM for the purpose of electing the following Slate of Nominees as Board members.
- Given the number of applicants selected to fill the vacant positions, the CNPEA membership will vote on the Slate of Candidates as a whole.
- Read our 2018 Annual Report
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Via the International Federation on Ageing's newsletter:
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is requesting articles on intergenerational programs & collaborations for the Fall 2018 Age-Friendly Innovation Exchange (AFIX) newsletter.
The AFIX newsletter is an opportunity for those working in age-friendly to showcase important work in the field, and to find out about similar work colleagues are conducting.
To contribute to the fourth edition of the AFIX newsletter please submit your article under the theme "intergenerational" (no more than 300 words) by 28 September 2018 to Jessica Rochman Fowler, Project Officer, at .
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Annual General Meeting
Thursday, September 20, 2018
10 am to 11:30 am (Pacific Time)
1 pm to 2:30 pm (Eastern time)
On September 20th, join us to elect new Board members, and hear about the Network's latest activities.
The meeting will be held via the teleconference platform GotoTraining.
Anyone interested in participation to the AGM must register at the link above.
You will receive the connection information via an automated email once you have registered.
Our annual report and the slate of candidates to the Boardwill be released later in September.
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The Peel Elder Abuse Prevention Network has just announced a new five-part seminar series, Empowr’d Seniors, which will take place in the Fall of 2018 and Winter of 2019.
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