By Jennifer Nguyen

In multicultural countries, such as Canada, discussions about elder abuse ​must take into account the diverse nature of its population and the differences that can arise between different ethno-cultural groups. Recent literature on the subject has found that elder abuse is more prevalent, but also more often unreported within minority and non-Caucasian groups (Grant & Benedet, 2016). This blog post looks at how different factors such as  culture, tradition, and legislation affect reporting or even discourage older adults from seeking help in abuse situations. While this post focuses primarily on the Chinese-Canadian community, and also discusses the Latin-American community, I believe these themes can be aptly applied to a number of groups.

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The National Centre on Elder Abuse at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
released two PSA videos (short and long versions) on January 2, 2018. These PSAs were created in collaboration with the FrameWorks Institute as part of a long-term project ''to disseminate a new evidence-based communication strategy on elder abuse''. 

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The following is part of our project “Increasing Access to Justice for Older Adult Victims of Sexual Assault: A Capacity Building Approach”, funded by the Justice Canada Victims Fund.Learn more about this project or consult the full list of resources

By Jennifer Nguyen

Elder abuse is a broad, varied, and intensely sensitive issue. Professors Isabel Grant and Janine Benedet at UBC's Peter A. Allard School of Law recently published “The Sexual Assault of Older Women: Criminal Justice Responses in Canada” where they discuss an issue that they describe as “one of the final taboos of modern life”. Grant and Benedet shed some light onto the underrepresented and misunderstood subject of sexual abuse of older women (which they define loosely as women over 50 years old), an especially pertinent topic as Canada’s population ages. The article outlines four points: (a) that the case law of sexual assault against older women resembles the case law of the general population of the 1980s and 1990s in that they focus on stranger assaults and is disconnected from the realities of elder abuse; (b) that spousal sexual abuse is underreported due to issues with consent concerning dementia and incapacity; (c) that women with significant cognitive disabilities—typically those in care facilities—may be targeted because they will be unable to bring forward a complaint, and; (d) cases that involve sexual assault against a women in long-term care committed by a family member are present despite their lack of acknowledgment in literature, reports, and prosecutions.

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Press Release

YELLOWKNIFE (November 29, 2017) – Minister Responsible for Seniors Glen Abernethy and NWT Seniors’ Society Past President Leon Peterson announced a new partnership today to develop a report card on Government of the Territories (GNWT) programs and services for seniors. The report card will be an opportunity to inventory and assess the effectiveness of GNWT programs and services either designed for or accessed by seniors, determine how well they are meeting seniors’ needs  and identify areas for potential improvement or better coordination.     

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On November 28th, CNPEA is taking part in #GivingTuesday for the first time.

honoured2care caring community

CNPEA is raising $10,000 to help support its activities, so we can keep providing you with exciting webinars and fresh, informative content; so we can connect with stakeholders across Canada to support practice and policy development; and so we can raise public awareness about the mistreatment of older adults and the ways we can help prevent it. 

Will you donate to support our knowledge-sharing hub on #GivingTuesday?

All day on Tuesday November 28th, we will be sharing exciting content to raise awareness about elder abuse prevention. 

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  • Use the hashtags #CaringCommunity and #GivingTuesdayCA

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