rotating planet

The Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse has teamed up with documentary film company, Rotating Planet Productions, to raise awareness for their new film on Ageism, entitled “A Class of Ages”, set to air Winter 2024.

As the movement for seniors’ rights intensifies around the world, “A Class of Ages” follows the story of a mixed class of students and seniors, who, over the course of their semester at the University of Toronto, clash with the idea that generational segregation has fueled an epidemic of ageism, loneliness, and social exclusion. This class will act as a portal to other intergenerational initiatives and necessary conversations surrounding ageism so that every Canadian can age with dignity. 

In order to tell this incredibly important and timely story, the team at Rotating Planet Productions is looking for volunteers who would be comfortable sharing their personal experience with ageism and elder abuse to raise visibility and awareness for the reality that older adults face in long-term care facilities, the workplace, hospitals and health centres, the home, and in society as a whole. 

Rotating Planet understands this difficult topic should be handled with extreme care and compassion. Therefore, they will offer volunteers the choice to share their story anonymously, either on-screen or off, and ensure each interaction is completely confidential unless stated otherwise.

If you are interested in being involved in the film, please contact development researcher, Clare Duncan, at  by the end of October.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions about the film and the accompanying request.
The team at Rotating Planet


About Rotating Planet:

Rotating Planet is a well-established film production company that has ventured into many projects around the science of aging including meaningful environmental documentaries like Aging in the Wild, a five-part series on senescence in nature featuring experienced and accomplished scientists like Cynthia Moss and Ken Balcomb. We have extensive experience documenting important social issues and prominent biographies of older Canadian icons like Hockey Hall of Fame inductee Herb Carnegie, theatre actor John Neville, blues musician Jackie Washington, poet Irving Layton, artist Guido Molinari as well as filming everyday life such as beautiful and inspiring moments of Inuit grandmothers playing hockey and contributing to their community.

While our aim is to investigate and expose the structural and social barriers that exist around ageism and health and open the conversation for solutions and changes by telling stories about the realities of getting older, we also care deeply about the communities we make films about. Through meaningful engagement, radical symposiums, and deliberate action, this film is meant to be a force of change, using tools to bring people together and hear the stories of everyday aging people. If we changed the way we thought about aging, could we move towards an ageless society, and age differently?


In an era characterised by rapid technological advancements, it's no surprise that the ways we manage our finances have also undergone a significant transformation. The use of cash is becoming less prevalent in society, with about 84% of Canadians embracing digital forms of payment instead. However, while this transition offers convenience for some, it also presents select challenges for others.

This is exactly what one team of McGill University Masters in Public Policy students set out to investigate. Tasked by the Bank of Canada (BoC) to explore the social policy implications of a "Less-Cash" society, here’s what the students, Aftab Ahmed, Hayley Krieger, Sokhema Sreang, and Megan Warsame, found out.

Read more …


Judy Beranger MA, is the president of Family Mediation Canada. Drawing on her expertise as a recognized leader in the field, we had a conversation about the practice of Elder Mediation.

It can sometimes be difficult recognizing and navigating family conflicts. One option for people facing these challenges with older people is mediation, specifically Elder Mediation. Elder Mediation can be useful in scenarios where families are managing a variety of age-related issues, such as:

  • Care for the caregiver
  • Safety issues, including abuse and neglect
  • Family disagreements, ranging from religious differences to arguments over family assets
  • Financial decisions
  • Medical conditions, including progressive dementia and other memory impairments, and medical decisions
  • Major life changes, including retirement, blended family situations and changes in living arrangements, and major life or end of life decisions, including power of attorney, guardianship, estate planning, etc.

As conflicts become more complex, coming to a mutual understanding or agreement may sometimes seem impossible. And yet, if a resolution is not reached, this can cause aggravated issues.

Elder Mediation involves a neutral, trained mediator who facilitates focused conversations among participants, working towards conflict prevention and resolution. Participants experience firsthand how the process can prevent the delays, stress and financial burdens of standard court trials.

Read more …



CNPEA Annual General Meeting 
Thursday, September 21, 2023 

10 AM to 11:30 AM (Pacific Time)/ 
1 PM to 2:30 PM (Eastern time) 

All members of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse are entitled to vote during our Annual General Meeting. 

Please join us on September 21, 2023 to elect a new slate of Board members and hear about our activities and plans for the future.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom. Registration is required to participate. You can register by clicking here.

The 2023 annual report, financials, and the list of candidates to the Board will be circulated to CNPEA members by email in September.


  • How will I join the meeting?
    Once you have registered, you will receive an automated email containing the Zoom link that will allow you to join the virtual meeting on September 21st.

  • How do I know if I'm a member? 
    If you receive our monthly newsletters and have received this email directly from us, you are a member and are entitled to vote.

Register early!

CNPEA, SeniorsNL and the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre recently participated in an interview for the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation's podcast Community of Innovation to discuss financial abuse, frauds and scams targeting older adults.

Community of Innovation is where topics on ingenuity, aging and brain health collide. CABHI talks to experts in healthcare, research, technology and business, as well as older adults and their caregivers, about the innovative practices and healthtech solutions helping us all lead longer, healthier lives. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Allison Sekuler (President and Chief Scientist at CABHI) and Dr. Rosanne Aleong (Director of Research, Innovation, and Translation at CABHI).


Publishing Criteria

Any resource posted on the Hub is first screened based on the publishing criteria. If you wish to share a resource with the community, please ensure that it fits the requirements and email it to us. We usually post material within 72hrs of receiving it. 

Publishing Criteria

Invitation to Contribute

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  • Share your ongoing projects, research updates and favourite tools
  • Announce your upcoming events
  • Tell us about promising practices and initiatives via a blog post.

Check out our publishing criteria or email us for more information 

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Le RCPMTA souhaite remercier les généreux sponsors qui contribuent à la durabilité du connecteur des savoirs.
