By Heather Campbell

In Canada, there is no specific crime of “elder abuse” identified in the Criminal Code
. Instead, crimes committed against older people must be prosecuted under other criminal provisions, such as failing to provide the necessaries of life (s. 215), manslaughter (s. 236), assault (s. 265), sexual assault (s. 271), unlawful confinement (s. 279), uttering threats (s. 264.1), theft (s. 334), theft by power of attorney (s. 331) and fraud (s. 380). This contrasts to the U.S. approach, where many states have criminal legislation that specifically define “elder abuse” as a crime.

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Interview with Betty Cornelius, Founder of CanGrands

18 years ago, Betty Cornelius became the custodian of her granddaughter to protect her from her substance-abusing parents. Betty quickly came to the realization that many grandparents find themselves in similar complex situations every day and are in need of guidance. These seniors often face physical or verbal threats from their own children, along with the challenges of raising a grandchild. This is how CanGrands National Kinship Support was born. CanGrands is a national grass-roots organization dedicated to the advocacy and support of grandparents and relatives raising grandchildren.  What started with an ad in the Oshawa newspaper and a rented community hall has evolved into a national association with 25 chapters across the country (3 new chapters are in the startup process) and a yearly intergenerational kinship camp.

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Save the Date
Wednesday September 23, 2015
1pm to 2pm (EST)

Join us for our Annual General Meeting 

2015  AGM Annual report  
Audited financial statement
Candidates' biographies
Report on the Knowledge-Sharing Project

To register for the AGM, please contact 
Kelly Heisz
709) 737-5904 ext. 209

Log-in information and call numbers for the AGM today.
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

Canada (Toll-free): 1 888 455 1389 FREE

Canada +1 (647) 497-9353

Access Code: 400-871-077 

The CNPEA is looking to fill 3 positions on its pan Canadian Board. We are looking for candidates who are committed to supporting the prevention of elder abuse in Canada and eager to provide leadership to this growing network of elder abuse professionals.

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By Heather Campbell

Many factors influence our health and well-being. Most often, we think of individual factors such as family history or our personal decisions about smoking, diet, exercising and alcohol consumption. Increasingly, however, there is a growing focus on the societal factors that shape our health. According to the Canadian Council on Social Determinants of Health, these societal conditions “include the work we do, our level of education, our income, where we live, the quality of our experiences when we are children and the physical environment that surrounds us.”

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By Margaret Easton
(The Meridian Aging Project)

             Heather Campbell’s recent blog post (August 2015) discusses the development of a National Seniors’ Strategy for Canada, and strongly suggests that the foundation of a viable strategy must include a view of older adults as rights-bearing citizens deserving of dignity.  I strongly support her position and in this post I want to share a number of important and intriguing results that appeared in a recent study (July 2015) completed by Michael North and Susan Fiske that I believe provide strong empirical evidence in support of Ms. Campbell’s recommendations. 

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