By Dr. Claire Robson

Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) adults are often an invisible population, as stigma and isolation keep them ‘stuck in the closet'. They may be at increased risk for elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, since research shows that they are more likely to live alone, less likely to be partnered, and less likely to have children, or if they do, to find them supportive. If LGBT individuals do experience abuse, shame and a desire to be seen as ‘normal’ may make them reluctant to report it. Our project addresses these concerns in an innovative way: an intergenerational arts project and collaboration between LGBT elders and youth to raise societal awareness of LGBT elder abuse, and provide information about services.

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By Heather Campbell

In recent months, organizations and advocates have intensified their calls for a National Seniors Strategy. In particular, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), under the tireless leadership of Dr. Chris Simpson, has spearheaded a public campaign to encourage the development of a national strategy on seniors care. Similarly, Dr. Samir Sinha and his team have established a website which aims to provide an evidence-based approach to such a strategy.

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By Fabien Pernet

Back in 2006, the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse designated June 15th as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Only three years later, the campaign was initiated in Nunavik, homeland of the Inuit of Quebec. To this day, the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services have partnered up with the Kativik Regional Government and initiated six consecutive WEAAD campaigns. These campaigns have proven very effective to raise awareness about elder abuse, as this phenomenon is new amongst Inuit. Not that Elders had been immune to abuse in the past, but elder abuse is a more recent symptom of a social fabric damaged by 20th century colonial policies. WEAAD is now a well-established opportunity for Nunavik Elders to reclaim respect, and for communities to develop culturally appropriate ways to prevent elder abuse.

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By Mary Schulz

Imagine this...
You are an 87 year-old widowed woman living in a nursing home.  You have a form of dementia. Imagine that you believe you are 23 years old, living with your husband and 10 month-old baby.

You awake from a nap to find that you are in a strange house.

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Loneliness has been identified as a risk factor for financial elder abuse, including telemarketing scams, securities fraud and predatory marriages. Some research suggests that lonely older people may be more susceptible to financial scams because they are more willing to let strangers into their home or talk to them on the phone, sometimes just for conversation’s sake.

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