Policy on discrimination against older people because of ageDecember 2009

"This policy is the outcome of extensive research and consultation on issues of discrimination faced by older persons in Ontario."

For more information, please see: The Ontario Human Rights Commission

VANGUARDJanuary 2009

"The British Columbia Law Institute was retained by the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support, on behalf of the BC Adult Abuse and Neglect Prevention Collaborative, to conduct an international review (1) the laws governing capability for decision-making which currently inform guardianship practice, and (2) the existing body of policies, protocols and guidelines that inform capability assessment.  As part of this contract the BCLI  produced a final report that includes an inter-disciplinary best practices tool to guide practitioners working in health care, medicine, law and criminal justice who deal with adults with capability issues." 

For more information, please see: Canadian Centre for Elder Law

Prevention of Elder Abuse Program and Policy Lens
 October 2008 

"The Prevention of Elder Abuse Policy and Program LENS was developed by the Prevention of Elder Abuse Working Group. This draft document outlines the purpose of the Policy and Program LENS...and states who the intended users are and how they can apply and implement this lens."

 For more information, please see:
 Ontario Seniors' Secretariat

Active Ageing A Policy Framework

 "The policy framework is intended to inform discussion and the formulation of action plans that promote healthy and  active ageing. The main sections of the publication are: Global ageing: a triumph and a challenge; Active ageing: the  concept and rationale; The determinants of active ageing: understanding the evidence; Challenges of an ageing  population; The policy response."

 For more information, please see: World Health Organization

Principles of the National Framework on Aging

"Dignity, Independence, Participation, Fairness, and Security are the five principles of the National Framework on Aging (NFA). This guide is designed for policy analysts at all levels of government to use when reviewing current and proposed policies and programs that affect seniors. It contains a list of policy questions that deal specifically with each of the five principles. It also gives examples of policy/program responses from seniors. The guide includes an overview of the NFA and details on the development process that created the policy questions."

For more information, please see: Health Canada


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