socisolationindigenous coverSupplement to the Social Isolation of Seniors toolkit

''This supplement is a resource to help organizations and service providers adopt approaches to help Indigenous seniors strengthen human connections. Social isolation is a silent reality experienced by many seniors, and particularly Indigenous seniors. It is hoped that this resource will heighten awareness and sensitivity and help organizations address their particular social needs.

The materials included in this supplement are drawn from current research, consultations (including a workshop) with Indigenous partners and other stakeholders, an environmental scan of existing programs and services, and experiences of Indigenous seniors themselves. This supplement consists of two parts: Part 1 explores social isolation from the perspective of Indigenous seniors and Part 2 provides practical tools and resources to encourage human connections to reduce social isolation.''

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada

socialisolation newimmigrantsrefugeescover
''This supplement is a resource to help organizations and service providers adopt approaches to help new immigrant and refugee seniors strengthen human connections. Social isolation is a silent reality experienced by many seniors, and particularly new immigrant and refugee seniors. It is hoped that this resource will heighten awareness and sensitivity and help organizations, friends, family members, and communities address the particular social needs of these seniors, many of whom may be unable to communicate their concerns to others.''

Source: Employment and Social Development Canada

igprogrammecover newbrunwick''Intergenerational programs and activities that bridge the generation gap help to break down barriers among people of varying ages and address issues such as social isolation, ageism, and misunderstanding. Creating supportive environments which enhance opportunities for the sharing of ideas, knowledge and experience will build upon community strengths and move New Brunswick toward creating more Age-Friendly Communities (AFC).

This Intergenerational Toolkit will help communities and organizations to engage children, youth and seniors in effectively hosting intergenerational projects. It contains practical information and resources to support educators, care providers, community groups and agencies in coordinating successful intergenerational initiatives.''

Source: Government of New Brunswick 


sfcareframeworkcoverThe goal of senior friendly care is to achieve the best possible health outcomes for older adults. The sfCare Framework provides the foundation for achieving this goal through guiding principles and defining statements which are intended to foster improvements in care across the system and inspire greater collaboration between older adults and their caregivers, care providers, and organizations.
See the accompanying toolkit here

Source:  Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto


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