cfojainfographic coverJanuary 1 to June 30, 2019
Preliminary findings based on available information For more detail, see the fact sheet. This fact sheet and infographic provide a snapshot of the continuing efforts of the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability (CFOJA) to collect and disseminate knowledge on femicide in Canada. This document is based on available information from media reports.
Given these are recent incidents and investigations are ongoing, these are preliminary findings only. Identifying whether these killings are ‘femicide’ – women killed because they are women – is an ongoing process and those incidents that involve gender-based motives/indicators will be reported on when further information becomes available. [For more detailed discussion, see CFOJA inaugural 2018 report: ]

Source: Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability

screen shot 2019 02 13 at 4.06.00 pmThe Institute on Aging (San Francisco) has created these flashcards to help people identify scams and stay safe. This set of 5 cards covers:

  • Fake Government/ Tax scams
  • Online Romance scams
  • Emergency calls or emails from a relative scams
  • Computer virus scams
  • Prizes and lottery scams

For each scenario, the cards detail how the scam works, how to spot it, and how to fight back.

Source: Institute on Aging


cfoja infographic final en"The recent call by the United Nations for countries to create femicide observatories is a significant and urgent signal. Despite research done to date, and advances made, this issue remains a very serious and critical issue for women and girls in Canada and around the world.

''The CFOJA was established to respond to this call. Its work is supported and strengthened by collaborations among researchers and an advisory panel of experts from across the country. This ensures that the work is both grounded in accurate statistical data and accompanied by a reliable and accessible presentation of information in a way that best reflects the realities of the women and girls who are killed by violence in Canada.      

This infographic summarizes some key findings from the CFOJA 2018 report. The report contains critical information that builds on the earlier and ongoing work on femicide in Canada and internationally by highlighting current and emerging trends and issues that require further investigation and monitoring in the coming years. "

Source: Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability 


cotainfographic cover

A snapshot of life experiences and attitudes of Australians aged 50 and over

''This research was commissioned by the Federation of nine Councils on the Ageing (COTA) across Australia – including all eight COTA state and territory organisations and COTA Australia – in order to understand the views, life experiences and needs of Australians aged 50+.''

Find the whole report right here

Source: COTA



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